Flying With My Friend.

A collection of my most vivid and impacting dreams and visions.
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Flying With My Friend.

Post by Danniielle »

Flying With My Friend.

I just had another flying dream.

In this one, I was with a good friend and he had to make a phone call. He went to a park, which was the Grovedale site of the 3GL Geelong radio station transmitter in the 1980s, to make the call and while he was doing that, I decided to have some fun flying around for a while. I flew over to the park holding a PA speaker in one hand and landed next to him just after he'd made his phone call. As one would expect, he was somewhat surprised at my flying.
There were other people in the park too and they were curious about my flying but none asked me how I was able to do it.

I asked my friend if he was interested in experiencing flying and he was very keen. I said that if I took hold of his hand, it would link our energy fields and I could raise his baseline vibrational frequency to match mine and we would both be able to fly. I took the PA speaker in one hand and my friend's hand in the other, said to him, "Are you ready?," and jumped up, launching us both effortlessly into flight.

We flew across the park, over the city of Geelong and into the front doors of the Geelong Hospital, flying through the corridors, much to the understandable surprise of those who saw us. In front of us at the end of one of the corridors was a wall sized mirror and I said, "I've never seen myself in a mirror flying until now. This will be interesting."
We were both quite amazed seeing ourselves performing this seemingly impossible feat and the mirror was a confirmation that we actually were doing this and weren't imagining it.

As we flew away from the mirror, a doctor noticed us and was very curious about how we were achieving this. As he continued walking, we flew along beside him and I explained that this is all going to sound rather "new agey" but bear with me. He was fine with this and asked me to continue. I stated that we all have this ability and the key to it is to alter our vibrational state, raising both the frequency and intensity of our energy fields. I then explained that once we do that, it is also possible to measure the baseline frequency of our brains using an EEG which typically shows a rise from the normal state of around 9Hz to an almost instantaneous increase to around 11Hz.
The doctor was fascinated by this so I continued to explain that this alters our entire state of being and as mentioned, is reflected in our energy field. The instantaneous baseline frequency change that occurs normally takes many years, if at all. Those that practise deep meditation and other such activities can affect such an increase over long periods of continued practise but many never achieve this rise in baseline frequency.
This also happens to be much the same thing channels experience when they channel other entities.

My friend and I continued our flying adventure for a while longer and then I awoke.
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