Awakening - Phase Three

Venturing beyond the five physical senses of sight, sound, taste,, touch and smell.
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Awakening - Phase Three

Post by Danniielle »

Awakening - Phase Three

A new phase of my awakening has started kicking in over the last couple of days and it is even more transformative than anything I have experienced so far. This is really pulling my greater purpose into my consciousness on a profound level and has me discovering truths about deceptions hidden amongst some of the awakening teachings floating around at present.

The dark entities that have been attacking me recently are desperate to prevent me from exposing their true motives. I'm here to overcome them and spread these truths to help other starseed warriors, shamans, lightworkers and trasmutators avoid the deceptions.
This is giving me so much energy and inspiration and I am feeling so alive and full of energy as a result.

No more time for small things. It is time to put all my biggest ideas and plans into action without any further disruption or distraction.

The time is NOW!
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