Outrunning a Tsunami

A collection of my most vivid and impacting dreams and visions.
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Outrunning a Tsunami

Post by Danniielle »

In this dream, it is night time and I am on the beach with a small group of people. I cannot recall who they are.
The beach is dimly lit by the moon and we are walking along the sand. On one side is the ocean and the other side is a rocky cliff.

As we are walking, we notice a huge wave in the distance heading for shore at a rapid pace so we start running in an effort to reach a stairway leading up the cliff face to a car park above. It becomes apparent that this wave is going to reach us very quickly and we are unlikely to make it to the ramp in time so we run faster. As I turn around to see where the others are, I realise that they are lagging behind so I call out to them to hurry. The area of the cliff face I see beside me is steep but looks to be grassy and soft with a gently decreasing slope towards the top. The area behind me that the rest of the group is still running from is much more rugged with sharp rocks and no grassy sections or gently decreasing slopes.

I call out to them again but as I am calling out, the wave, which is now clearly a tsunami, hits us and picks us all up, hurtling us towards the cliff. I am aware of being tossed about wildly in the water but I do not feel concerned at all. It feels like I am surrounded in a bubble. Then I find myself lying on the grass alone, completely unharmed and I awaken from the dream.
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