Dreaming Instantly While Awake.

Venturing beyond the five physical senses of sight, sound, taste,, touch and smell.
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Dreaming Instantly While Awake.

Post by Danniielle »

Dreaming Instantly While Awake.

I just sent this text message to my friend Damien regarding James, the bass player in his band...

Aaaand, now for my latest trick...
Slipping into full dream states almost instantly while sitting in my kitchen chair fully awake!!!

Seriously, I'm still cooking my food and sat down for a few minutes in between stirring it and I went instantly into a dream while still awake. In this dream, I was at your place, helping James sort out some issues with connecting his bass rig to your recording interface. I was teaching him the difference between XLR to TRS cables and XLR to XLR cables and why the TRS cable he was using wouldn't work correctly.

I then came back to the 3D world and continued stirring my cooking!
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