Beautiful Past Life Journey with Cat O'Hara

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Beautiful Past Life Journey with Cat O'Hara

Post by Danniielle »

Beautiful Past Life Journey with Cat O'Hara

Tonight, I went on an amazing journey through interdimensional realms beyond time and space.
This beautiful, healing journey was facilitated by my Lyran friend, Cat O'Hara, who went on this journey with me.

We prepared by calling in our guides and protectors in the higher dimensions. I felt the presence of two of my beloved guides, Yumi and Black Elk. They are always with me, but my awareness of their presence is always heightened during sessions such as this one today.

We began the journey with Cat guiding me through a dimensional door into a corridor of time. At the end of the corridor was a vibrant, white light which we progressed towards, and through.

I soon found myself back on my Lyran home planet, Avyon. I was with my feline friends and family and was relaxing in our beautiful, lush, vibrant garden at the foot of a hill. I have been here recently in another past life journey and instantly felt completely at home.
Cat asked me if I could recall the number of incarnations I had on Avyon, and almost instantly, the number 62 came to mind. I was also aware that these incarnations often spanned hundreds of years as we perceive time on Gaia (Earth).

As I was laying amidst the lush vegetation, I saw Cat with me, to my left. She appeared as a black panther and she was sitting, peacefully watching over me.
I then saw a small archway entrance in front of me, at the foot of the hill. It was in the shape of an igloo entrance, and the igloo structure itself went deep into the hill.

I went inside the igloo entrance, into a vast community we had created just below the surface of Avyon. There were huge structures we had created where we grew our food, and despite this being underground, there was plenty of light emanating from higher dimensional energy itself. This incredible place was also a portal into the cosmos.
I was transported through the portal and became aware of a toroidal energy field flowing through the heart of Avyon. This energy field was also flowing through other planets, and indeed complete star systems, in particular, Lyra, Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Orion, and the Milky Way (home of Gaia).
I saw a quantum superposition of all of these toroidal energy fields completely synchronised and connected. Our very own energy flow appears as a toroidal field, also connected in superposition with source energy.

This vast network is fractal and I see the toroidal fields as strange attractors in the greater fractal structure. The same fractal structure exists right here on Gaia, and I saw it as an energetic mycelium network, just below the ground.
This structure has many holes in it which are the result of eons of low vibrational infiltration.
Cat and I both know that a large part of the reason we have volunteered to incarnate on Gaia is help heal the wounds of this infiltration.
We have, in fact, come here numerous times with the same intention.
We have been consciously working on healing this Earth grid as we come together as a community of like-minded souls, here in Adelaide, bringing in light codes in a celebration of dance and movement in various gatherings.

I also saw Messier 42 (the Orion Nebula) as a cosmic representation of the sacral chakra of Orion. I received information that this nebula is a vast storehouse of energy and information transferred from Avyon at the time of its destruction. It has held safe all the information, energy, collective consciousness, and beauty we had created together on Avyon. The high vibrational energy of this nebula is what has held the information safe from lower vibrational entities who cannot access it. It has been kept safe awaiting the time of the great awakening we are participating in right now on Gaia. As our own vibrational frequency increases, we are reconnecting with this beautiful Akashic storehouse which is supplying us with light codes of restoration, balance, abundance, transmutation, and healing, further increasing our individual and collective frequencies. This creates a powerful feedback loop that is emanating as ever increasing vibrational harmonics, affecting the various fundamentally resonant vibrations of all that is.

The dark, low vibration entities such as many of the Draco Reptilians and others of similar ilk that have held so much control and imposed so many limitations through their manipulation are, to use an analogy, the electrons (negatively charged particles) of an atom. Many of us are acting as the protons (positively charged particles), and the Orion Nebula is an archetype of the neutron (neutral particle). The codes and information abundant in this nebula are bringing together the electrons and protons in a cosmic dance of reintegration, healing old wounds, eons old as we perceive time in the physical realm.

Also during this journey today, I saw some of my past incarnations in ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, and Peru (Inca, Aztec, and Mayan times). During these incarnations, both Cat and I witnessed destruction unfold just as it did in Avyon. We were present there, as were so many others, to help avert the fall of these civilisations, but we weren't successful. This resulted in the deepening of the wounds we first felt right back when the Draco Reptilians destroyed our home planet, Avyon, where we also saw them kill and eat members of our families. Cat and I were amidst many who physically escaped this destruction, but we felt deep guilt that we survived when so many of our family and friends did not.
In a beautiful realisation today, I remembered that those who remained physically on Avyon as it was destroyed actually left their bodies before their physical passing. They followed us to Pleiades, and later to other systems such as Andromeda.
However, Andromeda had built up a protective wall in response to the Draco wars that was later manipulated by the Draco's themselves and used to limit the energy flow to and from Andromeda and her inhabitants. This deeply impacted our ability to connect with our family and friends from Lyra who had left their bodies in the destruction of Avyon.
The activation of our dormant DNA right now, and the awakening of who we truly are has initiated reconnection with the Orion Nebula codes as we continue to remove the eons old stronghold of the dark entities. This is not only healing us and Gaia, but is having a profound effect right across all of existence. What we are embarking upon right now is unprecedented in time and space. It is of profound significance.

During my journey with Cat today, I recalled a recent past life journey into the heart of the great pyramid in Egypt where I was trapped in one of the chambers in a stifling, claustrophobic bombardment of low vibration energy, deliberately created to stifle my mission (and that of many of us who volunteered to incarnate at that time) to uncover and reverse the Annunaki infiltration and enslavement of the hybrids they created by genetic manipulation of the homo-erectus species native to Gaia. These hybrids became homo-sapiens, of which we are physically today. Our DNA had limits placed on it by the Annunaki to keep us in a slave race state. These are the "jealous gods" of the biblical old testament.
We have since evolved to a state where we are now unlocking our "junk DNA" as some call it. This is concurrent with the massive awakening going on globally right now, and is foundational in the unfolding of cosmic evolution and expansion. That is why so many intergalactic beings are so interested in what is unfolding on Gaia.
Those of us who have come here as starseeds to help facilitate this great awakening are ourselves awakening from our incarnation amnesia. We are on the cusp of global disclosure and open contact with extra dimensional entities. We are, in fact, extra dimensional entities ourselves.
Communication with those in other star systems, dimensions and multiverses is occurring everywhere on Gaia in exponentially increasing frequency, primarily in the form of channeling through human participants. This is part of the preparation for physical open contact, and many, myself included, foresee this occurring before 2030.

Back to today's journey....
Cat invited our psychic surgery team to be with us to uncover and remove implants in our light bodies. There were several uncovered and removed during our session. The first was in my solar plexus chakra which had been blocking energy flow between my heart chakra and my root chakra. It had manifested physically in a blockage in my digestive system and specifically, my large intestine. I have had issues with my digestive system all throughout this physical incarnation, and indeed, past incarnations. As my psychic surgeons did their work, I felt my entire body buzz with intense, but very pleasant energy, and I felt a deep release. Cat also felt this in her digestive system in the same place I did.
I also became aware of another energy implant to the right of my auric field, outside my physical body. This too was cleared.

At one point, again under Cat's beautiful guidance, I became aware of myself in a role similar to the Oracle in the Matrix movie. She is one of my favourite characters, and I have resonated with her character since 1999 when I first saw the movie.
Cat helped me to initiate the full potential of my Oracle psychic connection in a process of also heightening my other natural psychic senses. We all have these abilities. It is part of who we truly are.

As Cat was working with Merkaba energies around us, I saw the spinning, double pyramid structure in a spectacular manifestation of pure, completely transparent quartz crystal. It was absolutely breathtaking!

Towards the completion of this journey, under Cat's gentle but deep guidance, I saw a massive energy siphon, in the form of a funnel, extending from my throat chakra to my root chakra. This funnel was put there to divert my own energy to the low vibration beings who had been draining it literally for their own source of life energy.
At this point, under invitation from Cat and myself, Black Elk, one of my chief Shamanic guides, removed this energy funnel from me. I felt my entire body lighten, as if I was about to levitate. My entire torso felt lighter and far less dense. A deep flow of emotional release brought on tears of joy, gratitude, and release, and my entire body was vibrating and buzzing. It was an incredible feeling!

The presence of our Pleiadeian friends was VERY strong during this session, and I felt their joy and elation at what is unfolding around, and through us, throughout the cosmos.

✨🌟💫💖 💖 =^••^= 💖 💖💫🌟✨
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Re: Beautiful Past Life Journey with Cat O'Hara

Post by Cat_Ohara »

Absolutely beautiful account of our journey together. Incredibly written. I would just like to add my own experience of the portal on Avyon.
I saw this as a cosmic portal of swirling energy surrounded by many beings of light. This portal was connected by an intricate web of light networks which connected the Lyran portal to Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Pleiades and Gaia (possibly more star constellations, however these were the only ones we connected with toady)

I felt the whole universe as one being. Pleiades holding the heart chakra, Orion the Sacral, Andromeda holding the 3rd eye (which there was a protective haze blocking the full capacity of this connection) and Lyra holding both the Crown and Root Simultaneously.

I saw the portal open and activate as many light beings gathered around it, shining our light and light codes as we transmuted and alchemized the density and filled the holes with light. This light then flowed to connect the Pleiades, Orion, Sirus and Andromeda connections. We worked on the Andromeda connection to assist in the clearing of the haze, to transmute the fear it was carrying around the destruction wound. We strengthened the connection to Gaia to this network and allowed the light codes to ground these beautiful frequencies into Gaia as we opened and activated our Lyran Akashic Records that were being stored in the Nebula on Orion and grounded Utopia Frequencies into Mother Gaia.

It was here we gained clarity around our mission and assignment to heal the wounds of infiltration, restore the balance and bring unity into the universe once again.

This was a beautiful co-creating between myself and Danniielle. Danniielle has amazing abilities of Clear Sight and my abilities of holding space and facilitation allowed us both to traverse this multiverse. We were able to transmute, alchemize and heal wounds we have been carrying since our incarnations on Lyra, which had manifested in the physical vessel, and clear many implants which were not serving and syphoning our energies. An amazing epic journey!! Just WOW!
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