HF Radio Communication

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HF Radio Communication

Post by Danniielle »

One of the things I really want to implement and help facilitate is a network of likeminded souls who are separating themselves from dependence on the mainstream systems of communication we now rely on such as internet and mobile phone networks.
When these systems go down for extended periods, if we have an alternative in place, we will still be able to communicate over longer distances.

I have a 30 watt, class A HF transmitter and several HF receivers here and would love to find others who have similar systems. We could start using these in place of mobile phones and email.
My systems are AM HF in the short wave and medium wave bands (1MHz to 30MHz).

I'd love to figure out a method of using these for networking our computers independent to the internet. We could adapt TCP/IP and Ethernet protocols and send/receive data via HF.

If you are keen to explore this, post a reply with your location, setup and ideas.
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