HiFi from cassettes.

Closely related to my passion for audio engineering is my love of HiFi, whether it be records, cassettes (yes, they can sound wonderful!), CD's, open reel or anything else HiFi related.
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HiFi from cassettes.

Post by Danniielle »

Ooh, cassettes aren't HiFi! Normal tapes are rubbish! Cassettes are for boomboxes to chew up!
Yeah. We've all heard that before.

Well, here's a video of a mixtape my friend David Munn recorded for me on his Sony 750ES deck on a Maxell normal tape without Dolby.

I'm playing it here on my Harman Kardon CD491 and it sounds wonderful! Look at the 20kHz band on my spectrum analyser. This deck challenges many open reel decks for frequency response, wow & flutter and distortion. It is one of the best decks ever made.
It is a three head, dual capstan, direct drive deck and was the deck I always wanted back in the late 80s but could never afford.

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