Profound Tsunami Dream - Lemuria or Atlantis?

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Profound Tsunami Dream - Lemuria or Atlantis?

Post by Danniielle »

Profound Tsunami Dream - Lemuria or Atlantis?

In reverse order below, I experienced three scenarios of a huge tsunami and flood in an ancient city, possibly Lemuria or Atlantis.

In the last scenario, huge tsunami flood waters were invading a city with massive stone buildings and some of us were scrambling up one building which seemed like a town hall and library. It had a number of large statues on top and one of them was something resembling the typical Roman Catholic version of Jesus.
As the tsunami hit and the flood waters rose, the water started bursting out of the monuments and statues on top of this building. I clung onto the statue and survived.
Some very strong people were pushing all the statues off the building during the deluge but they couldn't remove the one I was clinging to.

Afterwards, a friend discovered a secret entrance inside the Jesus statue with a ratcheting ladder system and a very narrow shaft leading into the statue and the library building itself. The shaft also had a powered mechanical assistance system that activated the ratchet system. This allowed one person at a time to enter the building via the shaft.
I decided to follow after my friend and enter the building via this shaft.
As I started my descent into the building I heard the following words in a prominent voice which seemed to come from all around me.....
"When the clock strikes 9 o'clock, you have 48 hours."
I then awoke.

In the previous scenario of the same occurrence in this dream, as I was ascending the building while the deluge was occurring, I clung onto several different high up monuments and statues and was safe at the end of the tsunami, despite some of the things I'd clung onto disappearing into the flood waters. It was a prominent Greek style statue that I was clinging onto at the end of this scenario.
There wasn't the same unmovable energy attached to this statue as there was in the last scenario with the Jesus statue but I was still OK.

In the first scenario, I had been having an intimate encounter with a girl I had a huge crush on in highschool. After we had our encounter, I looked up and saw a huge ship quite a distance above us which seemed to suggest this entire city was below sea level.
As I looked up at the ship, I saw a massive series of fireballs engulfing it and I said to the girl I was with, "Look, that ship is on fire!"
As I spoke, the fireballs massively intensified, reaching far above us. At the same time, the tsunami struck and the massive flood waters of the second and third scenario replays began their engulfing deluge.
As in the second and third scenario though, I had scrambled up the buildings which were being progressively destroyed and managed to survive.

After this, I awoke.

The whole Jesus statue thing has me a little bit startled and has overtones of the "Jesus saves" message I used to adhere to in my days as a Christian. However, this time I have no intention of going down the "born again" road that derailed me from my awakening.
Something else of note that I just recalled is that at the end of the third scenario where I was clinging to the unmovable Jesus statue, there were Roman Catholics celebrating the fact that this statue was the only one that couldn't be removed by the attempts of the huge and strong people so easily toppling the other monuments.
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