The Forest, the Light Pillar and the Women's Circle.

Venturing beyond the five physical senses of sight, sound, taste,, touch and smell.
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The Forest, the Light Pillar and the Women's Circle.

Post by Danniielle »

The Forest, the Light Pillar and the Women's Circle.

Tonight, at the healing room at Mary and Danny's, I went on a deep journey through the cosmos beyond time and space.
The first part of the journey lead me to a luscious, rich, deep and vibrant forest at the base of a rise. This forest was alive with spirit energy and the vibrant calls of birdsong and nature, all flourishing beyond anything I've experienced in this physical incarnation. I felt like I was immersed in this beautiful place for quite some time.
I recognised it as my home planet in the Vega system at its peak beauty, prior to the invasion of the draco reptilians.

From there, I was transported to a place where I was standing on Gaia (mother Earth) with a group of other women and we were in a circle with each of us channelling pillars of light through our bodies. These pillars had their origins in source energy and entered us through our crown chakras. The energy flowed through our entire chakra systems and exited through our base chakras and our feet and into Mother Earth, raising her vibration and the vibration of her inhabitants with deep healing energy.
This was a beautiful transmutation experience.

From there, I was back in the healing room but I was in my light body, floating with some of the other women in our group just below ceiling height. We were wearing beautiful, full length white, glowing dresses and we were all dancing together, once again transmuting beautiful healing energy across the Earth.

When we were all back in our physical bodies, we shared our experiences as we sat together in a circle. It was a very precious and beautiful time.
I was drawn to a deck of cards with "Ask your Guides" written on the cover. The card I pulled out had a picture of a group in a circle with hands joined. That is exactly what we were doing! It is also what I saw in part of my journey.

After this, Mary put on some energetic music and some of us danced together. It was so invigorating.
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