A Brief Journey Beyond Space and Time

Venturing beyond the five physical senses of sight, sound, taste,, touch and smell.
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A Brief Journey Beyond Space and Time

Post by Danniielle »

A Brief Journey Beyond Space and Time

Last night, I shared a shamanic experience with three friends that has culminated in further monumental experiences unfolding today.
It was quite an extraordinary journey into a different perception of reality, quite literally paved with a road of geometric, dancing, kaleidoscopic visuals that were reminiscent of the most lucid light headed moments, dreams and astral exploration. There were walls along this corridor of super-consciousness that were equally enchanting, vibrant and dynamic as I entered a brief portal to another view of what we typically perceive as reality.
Time was unrecognisable in the linear sense we have grown accustomed to experiencing it in the third dimension and when I came back to the room with my three friends, I had no frame of reference to judge how much of it had passed.
For a good ten to twenty minutes after, I experienced a lovely, warm, comforting glow hugging my soul. At the very point of re-entry into our current reality projection, an image of a beautiful woman surrounded in lush, rich nature jumped about an arms length toward me from the background of the picture she normally resides in on the wall.
I feel a manifestation in my being, at the genesis of phase three of my awakening, of the magnitude of who we truly are and the grander purpose of why I personally chose to incarnate 'here' this 'time'.

Read more about the follow-on from this in THIS POST.
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