The SuperPuss Electronic Music Project

See what I'm up to in the Pulse Eternal recording studio, live on stage and out on location.
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The SuperPuss Electronic Music Project

Post by Danniielle »

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Electronic Music Project

I'm very excited to announce that this evening will be the very first gathering in the Pulse Eternal recording studio of a brand new electronic music trio consisting of Fabian Caporaso, Scotty Braendler and myself (Danniielle).
We are calling this "The SuperPuss Electronic Music Project", or SuperPuss EMP for short.

This project will be somewhat of a fusion of electronic music styles from the mid 70s through to today. There'll be a similar fusion of instruments ranging from classic, mid 70s keyboards, modular systems, step sequencers, samplers and effects through to modern iterations, both hardware and software.

We will also incorporate other instruments such as percussion, indigenous instruments, vocals, wind and brass, guitars, drums and more as inspiration arises.
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