Invasion of Darkness!

A collection of my most vivid and impacting dreams and visions.
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Invasion of Darkness!

Post by Danniielle »

I just awoke from a frightening dream about evil spirits invading the earth and taking over the lives of men, women and children by physically consuming them as FOOD!!

This is on the day of the USA elections BEFORE the results are in.

The dream started getting dark while I was sitting with a bunch of people I knew in a room. They suddenly started getting into some kind of strange group chant which sounded like it came from Jesuit, Roman Catholic, Freemason style secret society evil.

When the chant stopped, they all looked at the few of us who knew something evil was happening and their looks were sobering to put it mildly.

After that, I was in the upstairs section of a building that was Myers Shopping Centre in Geelong but it also had an eerie Gothic darkness about it and appeared to be some kind of theatre. I had been there as a child but now I saw strange things as I walked up the stairs to a secret viewing balcony where iron spikes and a fence moved up to keep us in. Apparently, that section had been closed to the public for many years under the guise of it being too dangerous.

After that, I was in a conference room where I witnessed the consuming of a human by a demonic parasite. A presentation about the process of this consumption was being given and a connection was immediately drawn with that, the murder of children and the invasion of demonic spirits upon the whole world.

Some of us rushed away from the scene as we saw other people and realized they had been consumed by the evil spirits and were no longer the people they had consumed. They started chasing us.

This turned to a futuristic high speed car chase between us and them as we tried to get away.

Everything got crazy from that point and it became increasingly difficult to get away from the spiritual invasion as more and more people were consumed. It grew to the point that I was close to being consumed and at that point, I woke up.
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