CoCo-Musik - Ear Has Not Heard

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CoCo-Musik - Ear Has Not Heard

Post by Danniielle »

Here's the first song I've recorded for my upcoming solo album, CoCo-Musik. This song is called, "Ear Has Not Heard," and is a Berlin School style electronic instrumental.

I'm using two Second Sound devices here to control my modular synthesizer, analog step sequencers and Roland System 8 synthesizer. These devices, the ACO160 EVK and the UniSyn convert audio from my TRS-80 Colour Computer into analog control voltages, gates, envelopes and MIDI in realtime.

I wrote the controller program for my CoCo 1 specifically for this track.

All songs on the CoCo-Musik album will feature my TRS-80 CoCo 1, 2 and 3 computers. The first part of the album name is derived from the CoCo and the second part, Musik, is a reference to Tangerine Dream who were foundational in creating the Berlin School electronic genre.
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