Shamanic Wisdom and Insights - Maynard and Jackie Eakan

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Shamanic Wisdom and Insights - Maynard and Jackie Eakan

Post by Danniielle »

During the late 90s and early 2000s, I became good friends with Maynard Eakan, an Alaskan Inuit Shaman and his wife, Jackie. They started me on my own Shamanic journey that continues to this day.

My friend, David Lynch and I filmed this video of Maynard and Jackie sharing wisdom and insights into the world of the Medicine man/woman some time in 2000 (I can't remember the exact date) and it was their wish that this information be shared.

This was filmed after a beautiful Spiritual Unity of the Tribes gathering in Menindee, New South Wales, Australia on sacred, First Nations land. That gathering changed my life!

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