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5D Light Body in an Ancient 3D Home

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:14 pm
by Danniielle
Last night, I had a dream I was living in a home approximately a century old. It had a dark brown, wooden front door and a lush, densely vegetated front garden. The front door opened into a long hallway, traversing the full length of the interior and was adorned with decorative wooden archways and architraves.
I was in two perspectives simultaneously at this point in the dream and from the front garden, I could see myself through the closed front door at the far end of the hallway. I had a 5 dimensional light body which was floating just below ceiling height.
I saw my mum at the front door and she had her regular, 3 dimensional body. I said to her that she was able to see me because she was ready and was aware of the ascension process from 3D to 5D. I also mentioned that many were not yet ready and were unable to perceive 5D manifestation. If they did, they would be too shaken to comprehend it.

Many other things occurred in this dream that I cannot fully recall but the account above is the most prominent and still vivid to me.